Case Family Genealogy
Welcome to the Case Family Genealogy!
This genealogy is created for the convenience of the user. The genealogy is presented in PDF form and can be downloaded onto your computer. Please note that the files are relatively small so each should download quickly.
You will find that because of the format, you will easily be able to perform name searches. Photos and hierarchy charts are included to assist the user in understanding the casegenealogy.
The genealogy is divided into several web pages to simplify the database. These include the lineages of Barlow Family, Burch Family, Case Family, Enos - Champlin Families, Fisk (Fiske), Green (Greene), Stebbins, Wells, and Hawkes.
This genealogy was researched by Lois A.Case (deceased 2009) and edited/maintained by Carl J. Case, Ph.D., 16 Sunburst Lane, Allegany, NY 14706. You may contact Carl Case at ccase@sbu.edu
We hope that you enjoy and find this genealogy interesting and useful!