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Case Family Genealogy
Barlow Family History
The Barlow Family history begins with Joseph and Elizabeth Hanchet Barker (early 1700s) whose great-granddaughter, Thankful French (born 8/29/1801), will marry Samuel Barlow (born 1783).
One son, Andrew Jackson Barlow (born 3/20/1839 and wounded during the Civil War), wed Pharos Lucretia Simmons (born 2/2/1852). Pharos was a daughter of Ruben G. Simmons (born 10/13/1830) and Anna Simmons (born 11/18/1832). Andrew and Pharos Barlow will be the parents of Harvey Chancey Barlow.
To view the genealogy, click here on BARLOW.PDF (.7Mb)
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